Your Journey

The Financial Planning process is a long journey. At different milestones, we are presented with a unique set of circumstances and considerations. Having a trusted partner alongside to navigate them gives you an extra pair of eyes to offer expert opinion.

Newborn & Children

As parents, we want the best for our children. We don’t know what their future will hold, but we do want to make sure they have every opportunity to do well and be happy.

Young Adult

As you gain financial independence, it is important to lay the foundation of your financial plan so that you are not caught wanting during unforeseen circumstances.

Young Couple

Responsibilities start to weigh on your shoulders as you reach new milestones – marriage, housing and newborn. It is critical to review your financial plans to determine if they are still up to date.

Mature Family

Your children are probably a few years towards financial independence. However, the health conditions of aging parents may pose a threat to your assets earmarked for your retirement. It’s time to take stock.

Single & Mature

Circumstances and objectives may start to shift as you progress in your career. You start to wonder about the possibility of having the choice of an early retirement to pursue your passion. It is a good time to reassess the sufficiency of your retirement nest.

Pre-Retirement & Retiree

You have worked hard to enjoy a retirement lifestyle that you wanted. However as our average mortality increases, there is a real danger that your retirement nest gets eroded by inflation over time.

“Thanks for helping me design the right coverage! Your clarity and patience definitely helped me understand what’s missing in my portfolio! Great job and am looking forward to our subsequent review meetings!”

— Kent Teong

“Wee Khai makes it a point to review my investments with me regularly. I trust him to make recommendations that are relevant to my financial needs. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone who needs financial planning advice.”

— Wendy Lim